Adrián Regos

Brief info

I am a postdoctoral researcher funded by the Xunta de Galicia of the University of Santiago de Compostela and by CIBIO / InBIO (Research Center for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources).

My research aims to understand (1) how fire management and land use policies can lead to more effective mitigation of forest fires, ensuring biodiversity conservation and long-term sustainable use of ecosystem services in the current context of global change, and (2) how to improve monitoring and early warning systems in fire-prone regions for more efficient, factual, science-based decision-making.

To answer these questions, I use a wide range of techniques from process-based models (such as spatially explicit fire succession models or dynamic landscape models), Earth Observation data from satellites (e.g., Sentinel, Landsat) and remote sensing technologies (e.g., Google Earth Engine), predictive ecology methods (e.g., ecological niche models, community-level models), ecological indicators (e.g., community thermal index), prioritization tools, spatial conservation and optimization ( e.g., MARXAN).

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